Waib3 certified from the National Association of Broker Price Opinion Professionals as a Certified Real Estate Pricing Specialist.
As a realtor or real estate agent, you have a lot on your hands. Traditional property appraisals consume a large amount of time and effort, leaving Broker Price Opinion as a quick and easier alternative. With the right mortgage assistance, your effort can easily be put into other revenue-generating tasks.
Our flagship product, BPO Acceptor, is today the leading BPO Order Acceptance software in the market. Our average acceptance rate is 90%+ for most portals. Our acceptance program can be configured to any BPO portal and customized to any of your requirements, be they pricing, type of orders or zip code coverage.
Get our skilled MLS research and analysis team to arrive at accurate property valuations. Our comparable selection process adheres to BPOSG and NABPOP guidelines. Thorough reviews ensure high precision and quality that uphold the integrity of the valuation process.
Our dedicated in-house quality team underpins the entire process from start to finish. They analyze the data, check for errors and alignment to guidelines, and ensure that reports are perfect. With our average quality score across BPO portals at 92%+, we ensure high levels of accuracy in all we do.