
We build world class products for the digital age.

WAIB3 is a technology company enabling innovative design and system solutions for domain specific applications to deliver the best connected experience for IT Consulting, AI-ML-NLP Projects, Blockchain Technology ,Web Development & UX/UI Design and Evaluation services.


Our passion encourages us to look beyond the obvious and deliver transformative engineering solutions. We try to understand the emerging needs of our customers and delight them with best-in-class and novel engineering solutions.

Our Team

Like-minded global talent seamlessly coalesces to form a Local-Global engineering team for effective delivery of these solutions. This single-minded customer focus and the ensuing trust ensure a long-lasting relationship with everyone we associate with.

Our Five Commitments to You

  • A reputation of on-time product delivery.
  • Ongoing communication throughout the process with our team and yours.
  • A product delivery you’re anticipating. No surprises.
  • Continued assistance and customer support even after the project ends.
  • A reasonable price.
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Collaborative - Creative - Professional

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What we do and others Won't

Conceptualization and application consulting .Prototyping & proof of concepts.Independant verification and validation.

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Software for your specific needs

Re-engineering,migration and modernization.We'll help increase productivity by leveraging automation manual process.

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Always in the loop

We're your one stop solution for everything from conceptualization to prototyping to deployment and even packaging - and we tailor it all to you.

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Application Maintenance

Operational concept conceptualization .Prototyiping & proof of conecepts .Independant verification and validation.

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Product Development

We'll increase productivity by leveraging automation and eliminating cumbersome manual process.

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Responsive web design .Usability and accessibility.Perfomance optimization.